5 Tips for your First Escape Room

Padlock on door

Thinking about trying an escape room for the first time? There’s a reason they’ve grown in popularity so quickly! Mentally stimulating and socially engaging, escape rooms offer a great deal of interactive fun. 

If you’ve never played one before, though, the challenge may seem overwhelming at first. Maybe you’re joining up with a few escape room veterans, or perhaps your entire group is new to these kinds of games. Either way, here are a couple of helpful hints that will come in handy. 

1. Look for the Locks

Most escape rooms have at least a handful of locks. They could either be the classic spinning combination locks, multiple-digit letter or number locks, keyed locks, or more exotic varieties. Even if you don’t see a lock, you’ll definitely find objects in locations that are initially inaccessible, like drawers you can’t open. 

When you first enter the escape room, take stock of these locks and try to identify what you might need to open them successfully. Giving yourself this understanding can help you determine the purpose of the information and objects you’ll discover, and ultimately move through puzzles smoothly. 

For example, if you find a key somewhere, knowing which locks in the room require a key will make it easier to match the key to its corresponding lock efficiently. 

2. Try it, Even if You’re Not Sure

Uncertainty is a natural part of playing any escape room. You never know what’s going to be behind the next door, and you shouldn’t expect to! The same goes for the puzzles-- you may not immediately understand how something works. 

Sometimes, uncovering the mechanics of a puzzle may be more challenging than actually completing it. To finally get that “Eureka!” moment, you’ll have to do more than look at a puzzle until it makes sense. 

Trying and failing is still progress! Unless something explicitly restricts your number of guesses, make an attempt, see what you can learn, and apply that information to your next attempt. The only ‘wrong’ thing you can do is nothing at all. 

Man smiling at meeting

3. Act Like a Team

Hopefully, you’ve brought some friends along with for your first escape room, or at least someone you can tolerate for an hour in close quarters. 

Even if you’re playing alongside strangers, though, effective communication is crucial. Talk about your priorities, spread your resources out, and utilize your teammates’ expertise if you’re struggling with something. If someone’s been stuck on something, offer them help, and if you feel like you’re just watching over someone’s shoulder, take a look around for other clues. 

Each person probably won’t have a hand in solving each puzzle, and that’s okay-- you’ll usually have the opportunity to debrief about everything after the game is over. What matters is that you’re using the full puzzle-solving power of your team!

4. Not Everything is Important

It’s tempting to make a note of every little thing in the room as you discover it, and that’s a good impulse to follow. You never know what might turn out to be an integral part of a puzzle. That said, sometimes, a serial number is just a serial number.

If you find words or numbers on manufactured objects, like chairs, desks, lamps, or even electronics, it’s improbable that the room designers incorporated that information into the game. 

The secret code is far more likely to come from the hand-written letter you found than from the “GVESLÖPP” tag on the couch cushion, so focus on things that seem intentional: documents, images, audio, and unusual props.

5. Enjoy the Ride

In the chaos of your first game, the time will fly by! While you try to find and solve all the room’s puzzles as quickly as possible, the pressure might rise as the minutes tick down. It’s not a race, though-- unless there’s a competitive aspect to the specific room you’re playing, the only time you have to beat is the maximum time allotted.

Rushing can prevent you from discovering clues, deciphering puzzles, and immersing yourself in the room’s environment. Breaking records can be extremely difficult, and a fun time is worth any number of extra minutes. 

Take a second to laugh about the jokes and gasp at the surprises! Avoid the temptation of constantly watching the clock and focus on the bigger picture.

Are You Ready for Your First Escape Room?

As a new player, you’ll be in for a unique challenge when you first try an escape room. Remember that your first time playing is a valuable experience, no matter how well you do. 

Try to keep these hints in mind, and bring as much curiosity and excitement as you can muster! Escape rooms come in many shapes and sizes, some of them may involve breaking into a vault or solving a mystery. Regardless of the puzzle that you need to crack, the first step is giving it a try! You’ll be a seasoned puzzle solver in no time.